Locations of Interest

Locations of Interest

There are many locations to be aware of when examining clan MacBean’s proud history, here are just a few:

The Moon

Commander Alan Bean, an American astronaut, commanded Apollo XII to the Moon in 1969. He took a Clan MacBean tartan on his journey to the moon and brought it back to Earth. He gave a piece of the tartan to the Clan. A small portion was also attached to one of Alan’s paintings (Clan MacBean Arrives on the Moon, pictured below) and he presented it to the Clan at its 1996 Gathering. There is also a small portion that hangs in Scotland commemorating the event. You can learn more about Alan and this story atAlan Bean’s Clan MacBean Page.

Clan MacBean Arrives on The Moon

MacBain Memorial Park

Pictures used with permission. These and many more can be seen onhttp://mcbainofmcbain.com/. The memorial park is located on the slopes of Loch Ness in Scotland.

McBain Memorial Park

Although the original family lands were lost centuries ago the 21st Chief of the Clan, Hughston McBain, was able to buy a small piece of the old lands of Kinchyle and has established a park that all Clan members may visit.

Sadly, the park is constantly vandalized and as a result, in need of repair. If you have the inclination to donate to support this effort go to this page.

View Clan MacBain Memorial Park in a larger map

Kinchyle Home

Though lost to the Clan, the Kinchyle home still exists and is in very good shape. It can be seen by driving down the road past the turn off to the park.

Kinchyle House


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